Thursday, November 18, 2010

Science Rules!

I have always loved science. I remember when I was in 5th grade, I checked out a science experiment book and secretly did a few in my room. I read that you could make alcohol out of yeast. I found some yeast and did the experiment. The fermentation process took about a week or so. I didn't drink it, I just wanted to see if it would work. It worked and I threw it away.

I would buy plants instead of candy when I had money. I had plant brochures sent to me, just to look at all of the bulbs and indoor trees I could plant.

I collected tons of rocks.

I have several experiments in progress right now. Here is a list and update on all of them:

Train all the cats to use the toilet--Not going as fast as I would like, I am hypothesizing that this is because I am doing all 3 cats at a time.

Make gluten free bread that tastes good and can be used for sandwiches--the last bread I made was good but I used a mix. I want to make some great bread without a mix (this weekend)

I bought a treadmill about a month ago. I am experimenting with how long I need to walk to have a pain free side--- Right now, I am figuring about 1 1/2 hours on the treadmill and all the walking I do at school.

I picked all of the green tomatoes from my garden before they froze. I wrapped each on up in tissue paper and put them downstairs where it is cool. I ate one that I ripened for lunch today (without seeds) Not as good as vine ripened, but better than the grocery store.

Joe seems to be gluten intolerant as well, I am trying to make all of his favorite foods gluten free--!st on the list, Mac-n-cheese... that one turns out well if I use Quinoa pasta and take the cheese packet from the Kraft mac-n-cheese and make it with that. Now, I just need to be able to make ramen noodles

I am growing an orchid--It is growing, but not blooming yet.

In order for Joe to not have to scrape his car as much, I have pulled my car up so he can park behind me and be mostly under the carport---so far, Joe hasn't had to scrape ice off of his car at all. He leaves before me every morning so this has been a big success.

I have lots of students who like to chew on headphone wires--I sprayed them with Lysol in between classes-- didn't work, I think some kids actually liked the taste of Lysol. ---Now I am going up to each wire-chewing student, I point to the wire and say, "yuck! that's nasty--I just saw a 2nd grader with that same wire in his mouth or nose--- this seems to be working, except for the kindergarten students.


Bonnie said...

You are pretty sneaky. I never saw your yeast to alcohol experiment. I do remember all of your gardening and bulb catalogs. I also remember your endless attempts at keeping an aquarium, and the tears that would come when the cannabalistic mother guppy would eat her babies. You were such a cute little sister. I have always loved you!

BreAnn said...

HA HA, that's awesome about telling the kids about the kindergartener chewing on them!