Betty Crocker has passed the teenage boy test! They have recently added a few gluten free mixes to their line. I am hoping other companies follow their example.
Friday night I made brownies using the Betty Crocker Brownie mix. They were really good. Both Joe and his friend ate most of them. Joe was grateful that they were gluten free and that they tasted good.... his friend was grateful that they tasted good. I was grateful for their taste and their texture. There wasn't any grit texture that I have found in a lot of products.
I hope that Betty Crocker decides to add a few more mixes to her line. So far, we have made the chocolate cake and the brownies and they have both been very good. So, thank you Betty Crocker!
That is so exciting! I have noticed that many non gluten products taste grainy too.
Yeah! I am glad that Betty came throgh for you. When I saw that she was making them I knew that you would want to try them. What I liked about them was that they were about half of the price of the boutique brands.
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