The line for the lap tops started in the shoe department. We entertained ourselves by trying shoes on for about an hour. As one person sat on the camp chair, the other players would find the ugliest pair of shoes for them. They were to put the shoes on and walk to another section of the store. This was fun for a while especially when Joe had to try on the high heels.
Sarah and I were the first two people in line. We just had to be there at 5:00am to get the computers.
Even though we were sitting right by a large pillar that said,"Line starts here for laptops" we had about 20 people ask why we were there. Around 2 in the morning Sarah and I were trying to sleep. As I said last year, "There is no sleeping in Wal-Mart." People continued to ask why we were there and I had the great idea to tell them we were in line for adult size wheelies and light up shoes. We talked about how funny that would be for a while and then tried to get some rest.

Just as we were resting and thinking we might be able to fall asleep, a lady comes up to us and asked why we were in line... I of course told her we were there for the adult size Wheelies... Sarah not wanting to look like a daughter of a smart aleck, looks up and points to the sign... She meant to say, Computers...but because she was so tired, what came out was....... Light Up Shoes!

I laughed so hard I cried.... I thought this was SO funny, but then again, I had no sleep and it was 2 in the morning
How funny. You can't play a game like that at Best Buy. Hooray for being 1 and 2 in line!
So very funny! I am glad you got the laptops. Who needs sleep when you are up all night doing facebook on the computer. JK
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