Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Semester Of Graduate School

This semester I have taken 6 credit hours. I am almost finished with my first semester of graduate school. I have one more week left and that is just an online survey for one of my classes. Over the last few months, I have stressed over papers, studied for tests, participated in discussion boards, worked on homework, and attended class. I have even paid attention while in class.

In the past I usually took crossword puzzles to class or meetings to keep myself from getting bored. So, far the only thing that I have done this semester is the homework that will be assigned for the next week. Well, when I think hard, I may have taken my computer to class and looked at a few blogs.... but that wasn't during anything really important.

I plan on taking 6 more credit hours during Spring semester. I have always wondered why they call it Spring semester when it starts in January and it is so cold outside.

I want to thank all of my children for allowing me to help them while they were in elementary school, junior high, and high school. Helping them with homework, papers, and projects has made going back to school easier for me!


Megan said...

Congrats on being almost done with your first semester. Working while doing grad school is hard work. Especially if you are expected to make dinner each night!

Bonnie said...

I am so proud of you! You ar an ideal student.

Bonnie said...

I mean are.