After hours and hours of reading, researching, and revising I turned my first paper in a few weeks ago. I had everyone who entered the house read over my paper. I was fairly confident with it and turned it in. I got a B. A lousy B! My teacher said it was a "very good paper" but--I lost 8 points because of referencing it incorrectly. I was pretty disappointed. A few days later, the teacher sent the class an email saying he knew he was tough while he graded our papers. He also said that some of us need to consider hiring an editor. I have decided that is what I am going to do. I will put the hours of research into the paper. I will revise it and get it as good as I can (sorry family-- you will still be reading my papers) and then I will turn it into an editor. It will probably be the difference between an A or a B.
Yesterday I sent a 4 page paper into an editor. She looked it over for half an hour and made some adjustments.... especially on my references. The cost---30 dollars. The savings---about 10 hours of pouring over my APA manual and still getting some things wrong. I was actually able to enjoy yesterday.
The good news-- the paper is done and it isn't due until Feb. 15th, so if anyone is just dying to read it, let me know! Other good news-- I only have 4 papers left for this class. (3 of them are chapters--- but that sounds too overwhelming).
Sugar Bear Fudge
7 years ago
That is good that you were able to save so much time. Fortunately my Accounting and Econ professors were not sticklers on citations- they can be so tricky.
So glad you found a good solution!
Wow, that is such an amazing idea! Hope you get that A!
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