Rachael named him Rocky and we have loved him since that first day. We bottle feed him and watched him grow into a big beautiful cat.
He has a few quirks... but we still love him. Rocky was separated from his mother way too early and missed out on nursing. He makes up for this loss by sucking on blankets.

Rocky loves toys. He thinks a lot of things are toys--curlers, headphone covers, makeup sponges... Under every piece of furniture you can find a toy that he has lost. His favorite thing right now is a toy mouse. It is covered in rabbit fur and has a small rattle inside. He will play with thing for hours. He growls at any animal that comes near it. Once it is stuck in a place he can't reach, he stares non-stop for it to magically reappear.
I am glad that Rachael found this cute guy. Life would be dull without our Rocky!
I love cuddling with Rocky when he allows it. He is such a soft cuddle monster.
Aw how cute! My cats go nuts over the same kind of mice. we pulled our couches outlast night and there were tons and tons of toys under them!
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