Even though it is not spring in Utah yet, spring has sprung in the 6th grade. There is a certain turning point in 6th grade that happens between Christmas break and spring.... good news, the 6th graders at my school have stepped over that threshold! It happens all at once- and it happened this week. This change has two parts, one is a physical change and the other is an attitude change. I have taught 6th grade a few times, and I would have to say that it is not my favorite grade to teach. It's a good thing I only get to observe the 6th grade attitude this year. As I watch the successful 6th grade teachers, I have come to the conclusion that I am happier when I teach 5th graders down to 1st graders--(kindergarten students still pee on the chairs)
Here are a few reasons I should not teach 6th grade....
1. I don't really like the smell of prepubescent body odor.
2. My witch's hat is set too tightly on my head.
3. I see and notice everything and feel obligated to correct bad behavior.
4. I get a little angry when students continue to misbehave when they were told to stop.
5. I have a hard time not laughing at preteen flirting.
6. I really don't like it when students roll their eyes.
7. When students make comments under their breath, I hear their comments and can not help myself when I respond.
8. I feel that I always have to win 6th grade arguments.
9. Their math is too hard--(hahaha--not really, I just had to say that!)
10. There are some really talented teachers out there that can put up with all of the above mentioned reasons and still can adore and teach their students.
Sugar Bear Fudge
7 years ago
Preteen flirting would be really funny.
I had a student teacher in 6th grade. After coming in from recess one day she asked if we smelled the bad odor. I honestly could not smell anything. She then proceeded to tell us that we needed to use deodorant. I wonder if I was part of the problem.
I am sure you were not part of the problem, Megan. The bad odor might have been coming from the stinky, stupid, student teacher, with whom many of those sixth grade boys were probably flirting.
Yeah...I still remember the sixth grade attittude.
sixth graders are really not fun. we have 7 sixth graders this year, the most we've ever had and we are having MAJOR issues with body odor. And the rolling of the eyes and comments are starting in full force too.
I don't blame you at all, I remember 6th grade, and I was a brat! And so were all the other kids. I loved my teacher though, and it appeared at least that she loved us. :)
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