Thursday, January 6, 2011

Science Experiment Update

It's time for an update on all of my science experiments:

Toilet Training Cats: We have advanced to the final level in toilet training the cats. I have one resistant cat who can't seem to figure out how to do his/her business in the toilet. If the toilet isn't flushed regularly this particular cat likes to leave his/her dropping in front of the toilet. If I can train the people to flush the toilet often, I can train the cat!

Gluten Free Bread: I did it! I have found a recipe that makes a great loaf of bread of gluten free bread. My only problem with it, was that it went stale very quickly. I purchased some gluten free dough enhancer and ---success! I have great tasting bread that stays soft for several days.

Treadmill Walking: I had to take a little break from the treadmill during the Christmas break. I am back to walking an hour every week day morning for an hour. I watch 3 episodes of The Office that I have recorded-- it's amazing how many commercials I skip.

Green Tomatoes: We ate most of the tomatoes that I picked green and kept in tissue paper to ripen. I used up the last of them at Christmas time when I made caprese salad. They were a big hit where ever I took them!

Gluten Free Ramen Noodles: This has been a tricky one. I took some rice noodles and I found some gluten free/msg free beef broth concentrate. Joe liked it, now I just need to teach him how to make it.

Head Phone Wire Chewers: I haven't been able to stop 800 students from chewing on the head phone wires. But, I have stopped a few. I walk up to the child and pull the wire out of their mouth and say, "nasty, that's gross!" If I don't go up to them and pull the wires out of their mouth they tell me that they were not chewing on them. I am still working on this one.

The Orchid: It is still living, but not blooms yet. My Christmas cactus is starting to bloom though!

I have a few other experiments that I have started. I'm excited about them and I will post them if they are successful!

1 comment:

Chris said...

You are a science teacher at heart. I am glad you found a good bread recipe. I am sure that it makes being gluten free much easier.