Saturday, April 9, 2011

13 Minutes?

Traveling from LA to Beijing for 12 hours on a plain reminded me of the movie Rocketman. The goal was to go into hyper sleep for 9 months. Poor Randal had to sleep where the monkey was supposed to be. When he awakens from his sleep he realized that hehadonly been asleep for 13 short minutes. Last night I knew how he felt. I drugged myself, got as comfortable as I could, and when I woke up I still had eleven hours to go. Bonnie and I had put the time and distance we had to travel in terms we could understand. We would fly from LA to New York.... turn around fly to LA again and then fly back to New York... all wiithout getting off the plane. We actually flew over Alaska then over Russia ans Sibera and finally into China. We arrived in Beijing at 5 in the morning. We have totally skipped Saturday. When we fly back to the stt ates we will repeat a Wednesdayy,So I guess it all works out in the end. Right now it nis lunch time here and we haave woken from our little naps and are planning to venture out and see what China has to offer. At home it is time for everypne to go to bed .. tomorrow is Sunday over there which so happens to already be a great day.

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