Sunday, January 20, 2013

Please Don't Squeeze the Charmin!

I have become pretty picky when it comes to toilet paper. I really like Charmin! Maybe the old commercials with Mr. Whipple asking everyone not to "squeeze the Charmin" got me hooked on this particular brand of toilet paper, I'm not sure. I am thinking about bringing my own Charmin toilet paper to school. The school I am working at right now is under construction. Most of the school was torn down over the summer. We are without a gym, lunchroom, library, and any adult bathrooms. This year, the adults and students have to share the same bathroom. There are several problems with sharing a bathroom with students. A few months ago as I was coming out of the adult stall, a cute little second grader jumped out in front of me and yelled, "peek-a-boo, Mrs. Caringella!" Another problem I have found is that little kids don't flush the toilet. Because the kids don't flush the toilets, everyone can tell that they didn't use any toilet paper. I always thought it was because the little kids would forget to wipe or that they were lazy. I am beginning to think that it isn't the kids that are the problem, it is the toilet paper. One problem with the school's toilet paper is that the rolls set to where only one square comes off at a time and to even get that one little square, you have to use two hands to try to coax the roll to give it to you. If you are actually lucky enough to get three or four squares, after a lot of work, the toilet paper is so thin that it is worthless. I am beginning to think that most students either give up trying to get any toilet paper and end up not using any of it at all, or that they get frustrated with it and decide to wet what little they can get off the roll and throw it on the ceiling.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I would hate sharing the bathroom with elementary school kids. I often too find the toilet unflushed with no toilet paper inside. We use Angel Soft, so Andrew does not have the same excuse that the kids at your school do.