Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why I Look Forward to Mondays

Mondays are not so bad any more. I used to dread giving up the weekend to start a new week. Ever since Joe has been in New York on his mission, I look forward to Monday mornings! Joe left the MTC on January 14th for New York City. He is now serving in the Queens area teaching the gospel in Spanish. His "P" (preparation) days are on Mondays. In a letter from his mission president, I read that all missionaries are required to write home once a week. Since Joe has been in New York, we have received two emails and one letter. His letters are wonderful to read. He tells of his experiences as a missionary and bears
his testimony. He often gives us scriptures and talks to look up. Not being able to communicate with Joe on a daily basis has been kind of hard for me, I'm so glad that tomorrow is Monday!


Megan said...

That is great to have something to look forward to on a Monday. I really need to write to him!

Bonnie said...

I have really enjoyed the letters you have shared. He is on my mind and in my prayers.